

Company blogs

What findings have international studies, and what conclusion can be drawn from this?

Dilyara Yakupova

18 september 2020

Kuanysh Zhaikov

15 September 2020

The most important thing in reforms is the political will to eliminate the informal institution that resists them. On the example of the Ottoman Empire.

Kuanysh Zhaikov

August 2020

Competition is an extremely useful thing, including ideology. You always want a strong opponent who will shake your foundations and send you in search of another knowledge. Without it, there is a high risk of stagnation, an “intellectual swamp”.

Kuanysh Zhaikov

31 August 2020

Aigerim Kushumbayeva

25 August 2020

The role of agriculture in the development of the country depends on various factors, like geographical location, availability of natural resources, level of economic development, natural and climatic conditions, etc. The priority of agricultural development should be based on an understanding of the specific opportunities of the local context and the formed expectations for economic growth.

Aliya Kussainova
Marta Tolebayeva

21 August 2020

What is public-private partnership (PPP for short)? PPP is a form of mutually beneficial cooperation between a public authority and private sector by resources pooling to improve quality and availability of public goods and services. For this reason, it is relevant to study PPP mechanism of action and understand problematic issues. This article will cover some of them.

Dilyara Yakupova

11 August 2020
