

Company blogs

One week ago, the President signed the law on the republican budget for 3 years. Of course, most experts did not pay attention to this. "Parkinson's law" - the more numbers, the less they are understood and discussed.

Куаныш Жаиков

December 9, 2020

10 days ago we had a meeting with the deputies of the Senate Committee on Economic Policy. Topic - SME support. Such a polite, productive, substantive conversation

Куаныш Жаиков

November 11, 2020

The development of competition in the country should enter a new stage. As President Tokayev noted at an enlarged meeting of the Government, the issues of developing competition will be a priority in the activities of the state apparatus. 

Мадина Кабдуалиева, Максат Турсынов, Нурбек Есетов

January 28, 2021

The indicator of the share of spending on food products is one of the key indicators of food security.

Марта Толебаева

December 3, 2020

As we know, the role of the fund in financing the country's economy is significant. There is a lot of discussion about the use of the fund during periods of crisis.

Диляра Якуповаv

November 23, 2020

Today it is difficult to imagine the production of goods or the provision of services without the use of electricity. But have you ever wondered how much electricity is consumed in our country and how efficiently it is used?

Maksat Tursynov

November 10, 2020

The second post in the series on migration will look at Kazakhstan's interregional migration with an interactive panel

Aldiyar Auyezbek

November 5, 2020
